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How Does Digital Signing Work?

The digital world is increasingly taking control of our daily lives and business activities. One such revolutionary technology that has transformed the way documents are authenticated is digital signing. But what exactly is digital signing, how does it work, and why is it important?

What is Digital Signing?

Digital signing is a cryptographic method that ensures the authenticity and integrity of documents during electronic communication. It is a specialized form of electronic signature that uses encryption to confirm that a document was indeed created by the signer and has not been altered during transmission.

How Does Digital Signing Work?

The foundation of digital signing lies in public-key cryptography, which involves two keys: a public key and a private key. The private key is kept confidential by the signer, while the public key can be used by anyone to verify the signature.

  1. Creating the Signature:
    • When a person digitally signs a document, the system generates a unique hash value based on the document. The hash is a short, fixed-length value that reflects the document's content.
    • This hash value is then encrypted with the private key, creating the digital signature. This encrypted hash value becomes the actual digital signature attached to the document.
  2. Verifying the Signature:
    • When someone receives the signed document, the system decrypts the digital signature using the public key to retrieve the original hash value.
    • The document is then hashed again, and the new hash value is compared with the hash value stored in the signature. If the two hash values match, it means the document has not been altered, and the signature is valid.

Why is Digital Signing Important?

Digital signing offers several key benefits, the most important of which are:

  • Authenticity: Digital signing ensures that the document was indeed created by the signer, and the signer's identity can be verified.
  • Integrity: Using the hash value, digital signing guarantees that the document has not been altered after it was sent.
  • Non-repudiation: The signer cannot deny having signed the document, as the signature is unique and can only be created with the signer's private key.
  • Legally valid: Digital signatures are legally valid and binding, especially in the EU under the eIDAS regulation. This allows digitally signed documents to be accepted in court.

How to Use Digital Signing?

Digital signing is widely used in various fields, including business contracts, legal documents, and financial transactions. The Signingo platform allows users to easily and securely use digital signatures when signing contracts. With the platform, digitally signed, authenticated contracts can be created, and it helps manage the contract creation process while storing the signed documents. Signingo users can be confident that their contracts are authentic and intact.

Final Thoughts

Digital signing has revolutionized the authentication of documents in the electronic world. It provides a fast, secure, and reliable method for parties to ensure the authenticity and integrity of their documents. As more businesses and organizations turn to digital solutions, the role of digital signing will only continue to grow, becoming even more crucial in global business communication.
