The development of artificial intelligence (AI) is progressing at an astonishing pace, and nowadays it's becoming increasingly difficult to distinguish what is created with human creativity and what is generated with the help of machines. The texts, images, videos, and sounds we encounter daily are not always clear anymore: it increasingly seems that artificial intelligence can create anything that a human can. But how much can we recognize what is behind them?
Test your intuition and see how much you've been paying attention to the development of artificial intelligence! While many think that AI is not yet capable of completely replacing human creativity, in the next test, you might be surprised at how skillfully machines can imitate human creations. Are you ready?
Below, we present 2-2 images, texts, videos, and sounds. The task is simple: decide whether it was created by a human or AI (artificial intelligence)! Pay attention to the details and try to figure out what is a machine creation and what a human has made.
1. Which image was created by artificial intelligence?
2. Was it made by AI or an artist?
3. Did a human or artificial intelligence write it?
“Dear Forbes Hungary!
On behalf of our [yx] client, we would like to inquire about advertising opportunities on the Forbes site. We would like to know under what conditions it is possible to advertise on the site, and what fees and opportunities are available for the different types of appearances.
In addition, we would like to inquire whether there are opportunities for highlighted appearances or other promotional opportunities that could help increase our company's visibility.
If there are any introductory materials or service descriptions available about advertising opportunities, we would be happy to receive them to get a complete picture of the details of the offers and possibilities.
Thank you in advance for your response, and we look forward to the detailed information.
Best regards,”
4. Which do you think was written by artificial intelligence?
Burundai murunda Abelile holongár Csittre csuttra cserengő Ilemola minole Lille pinda amákony Sorcsa csorcsa sácsó Tirritál a toringa Állomál a bilágony Viriveri sziveri Opikopi pirágó Zurundai burunda Zuruduru bumm bummmm | Furundi turundi Abelika folongár Krittre kristró cserengő Ilemona minoló Lilli pinda tamakony Sorcsa korcsa sáccó Tirritál a torenga Állomál a biláfony Viriveri sziveri Opikopi pirágo Zurunda burunda Zuruduru bumm-bumm. |
5. Was it created by a human or artificial intelligence?
6. Which song do you think was created by artificial intelligence?
7. Do you think the following video was created by a human or AI?
8. Can you guess which one was created by a human?
A few years ago, it would have been unimaginable for artificial intelligence to be so capable of imitating human creations! As AI develops, it becomes increasingly difficult to distinguish what machines have created and what humans have made.
Our goal with this test is not just to entertain, but to draw attention to how quickly the world around us is changing. Artificial intelligence already has a significant impact on creativity and content production, and we are sure this will become even more prominent in the future.
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